Nothing much, just a few links for people that love links.
A basic philosophical paper on linking laws.
A story about a case between TicketMaster and Tickets.com over a "deep linking" dispute.

Oh and a waste management site in the UK.


If the Jim, The Aussie (www.jimtheaussie.com happens to be coming to a club near you, and you happen to be the kind of person that likes humorous people, then I would recommend you go and watch his show. If however, you are the kind of person that despises humour, or perhaps Australians are not your cup of joe (or tea for that matter), then I would recommend not going to see his show. In fact, if an Australian comedian is the type that would severely tick you off, I would recommend boycotting his shows, sending hate mail, and perhaps egging his car. Granted, I don't know if he owns a car, but perhaps you could buy him a car, and then egg it.

If you really, really hated stand up comedians, I would look into finding other people of like mind, and having groups of people stopping in at various comedy acts and heckling the comedians till they were no longer able to perform their act. Eventually, they might get the hint.

That being said, I happen to enjoy jimtheaussie's act. He does it quite well and moves smoothly from topic to topic.


I'm afraid it's Turkey Day again. For those of you who don't know, Turkey Day (also known as Thanksgiving) is a day set aside (mostly by US citizens) to give thanks for all the blessings that they have received. All in all, not a bad day, not a bad concept. Since I actually have what I consider to be a good life, good friends, and what is generally considered to be a promising future, I have many things to be thankful for. The only bad thing about Turkey Day is that it marks the fact that Christmas is drawing near, and it seems that my activity level is required to increase tenfold when Christmas draws nigh. Hopefully, this year, I will be able to avoid all of the issues that Christmas presents and it will pass me by. Cheers!


02/11/28 17:42:43 red13n> average blue whale produces over 400 gallons of sperm when it ejaculates, but only 10% of that actually makes it into his mate. So 360 gallons are spilled into the ocean everytime one unloads, and you wonder why the ocean is so salty.


Squegie: of course, i'm not sure exactly what I mean when I say "dirty shame"
Squegie: i mean, there's shame
Squegie: which is more of an feeling than anything
Squegie: and then there's the dirt portion
Squegie: now, I know you can't put a physical object (such as dirt) onto an emotion
Squegie: so i'll use the context in which dirty is used to signify less than proper
Squegie: or perhaps "bad"
redinx: inventing your own meanings for words now eh?
Squegie: so is a dirty shame a shame that  you can be less proud of?
Squegie: http://www.sqbnet.net/pics/view_photo.php?set_albumName=harhar&id=aaf
Squegie: that's all i have to say
Squegie: i see no  reason why my definitions are any less valid than anyone elses
Squegie: plus, i see no reason why my particular way of spelling a word (which mostly involves whatever my fingers pick out as they fly across the keyboard) is any less valid than any others
Squegie: just because my definitions have less advertising behind them doesn't make them any less valid
redinx: lol


Ok, Jenn responded to my response, I posted her response and my reply here. Since the whole thing was in email, I'm going to make use of the pre tags again, bear with me if it messes things up.

A rebuttal to the response to the rebuttal (BTW, this is going on sqbnet).

> OK, let's add it up another way.
>> 2001 Toyota Tacoma - around $15,000 total (taxes and everything). Six
> thousand down, and the other $9K at 7.5% is still a payment of around
> $180 a month.

$6000 down. At my average of $500/running&inspected vehicle, that's 12
vehicles right there. I could run one/month with reasonable assurance.

> I have a 3 year/30K mile unlimited warranty, plus a 7 year/70K warranty
> on the powertrain. Toyotas have a good reputation for quality, so I
> don't see any reason why the truck won't last me for 100K miles without
> anything except regular maintenance. So, for roughly 7 years (~12K
> miles a year), I will have spent exactly 2 hours shopping for and
> purchasing a vehicle, and 0 hours of downtime due to unexpected vehicle
> repairs, not to mention considerably less frustration. Plus, my shiny
> (OK, OK, dirty) new truck is simply quite cool.

Toyota makes an exceptional vehicle, I don't deny that. However, you
can't honestly expect me to believe that in the next 2 years, you won't
require some sort of unexpected repairs. You may feel statistically
secure, but this is the real world, and nothing that states what side of
percentage sign you'll be on. Statistics are higher for older vehicles (or
more accurately, higher mileage vehicles, for example my 312,000+ mileage
buick skyhawk) to break down, but there is still a high number of older,
high-mileage vehicles on the road today. Furthermore, in addition to
engine/powertrain performance, all vehicles face the same potential of a
blown tire, random patch of ice -> tree, and falling airplanes.

> For those among us who choose the vehicles that are, shall we say, more
> advanced in years, the tradeoff of a lesser average monthly payment is
> offset by a variety of factors. First, the time lost to not having a
> vehicle because it is in the shop. In my college days of driving cars
> older than my siblings, I can count at least 2 work days plus 5 school
> days lost due to lack of transportation. (No, there is no such thing as
> bus service where I lived.) I am certain that those 5 days of lost
> educational potential decreased my GPA significantly enough to cost me a
> job making thousands of dollars more per year. OK, probably not, but
> let's just say so for the sake of argument. 🙂 But the point remains,
> while I never have a care in the world about my car breaking down
> randomly (say, while going to the Marine Corps Ball?), and spare myself
> the costs of Tylenol for the headache, or worse yet, a stress-related
> personal breakdown requiring thousands of dollars of professional mental
> help, others who choose the way of the old car are not so fortunate.

The impact of lost days depends on the situation and value you personally
place on them. For example, the Marine Corps is concerned more with
accountability than punctuality. When asked, the platoon sgt can identify
the location of every marine under his/her charge. So, my breakdown was
insignificant on the face face of things.

Secondly, if fustration from being stranded could lead you to headaches
and possible personal breakdown, then you may already need professional
mental help. Picture loosing your last 2 quarters to a vending machine,
traffic jams, breaking a key in the lock, vcr eating your tape, dropping
your monitor down a flight of stairs, and having paperwork blow out of
your hands. You can either take these as stress, or accept it as
something that happens, one of the risks you take in life, and move on.

> Time is money, is it not? So, let's say you spend an average of 4 hours
> (one afternoon) per vehicle purchase. Multiply that by what you make an
> hour (more, I think, for me than for you, but it'll still give you an
> idea.) For me, that amount of time makes up the difference in car
> payments for 1 month. So I am slowly carving away the difference.

Time is money, time is money. That's more of a philosophy than anything
else. There is an opportunity cost involved with anything, but not
neccessarily a monetary value/cost. I could spend 4 hours valued at
$25/hour (for non-math wizes reading this, that's roughly $100) buying a
car or watching two movies every 8 or so months. BTW, I've been doing
this for 5 years, and have had 5 different vehicles, most of which were
under $300, but with repairs and everything I've had under $2200 into
them. My 6th vehicle is the buick skyhawk which i've had somewhat under
$1200 into. My Jeep I have had $500 into so far, and will be putting $500
more into it, which will bring my total to 7 vehicles, $4500. I hadn't
added everything up in my last estimate, but this brings my overall
average to $75/month with no money down over $500. Keep in mind that for
almost two years of that time, I had two vehicles, and not just one. For
a good portion of this time, I would average at a minimum, 40 miles/day.
For one of those years, my bare minimum was 100 miles/day, more like
150miles/day (college being 50 miles away, work being 20 miles away,
college each weekday morning, work every day). Furthermore, one of these
vehicles took me to Jacksonville, NC and back, 500 miles each way. To be
fair, I didn't attend college in the summer, so it wasn't the full year.

> At least with my insurance company, if I insure my car (which is
> required by law in this state), I can't later call and uninsure the car
> so long as I still own it. My brand new truck cost LESS to insure than
> my 8 year old Geo Storm (I will grant you, that Geo was considered a
> sports car for insurance purposes... sigh), and less than 20% more
> than my 14 year old Mitsubishi Galant. I guarantee you, your insurance
> on two older cars is more than my one new truck. Plus, you're a male
> under 25 years of age, which practically sentences you to bad insurance
> rates. (It's not much better for females anymore, so don't take it too
> personally.) And the more vehicles you own, the more insurance you have
> to pay. This one's pretty straightforward.

Here is a situation that seems to have more to do with the state you live
in (which is another topic of debate entirely) than the cost of owning a
car. In my state you are required to have insurance on your car in order
to drive it. However, a parked car does not require insurance. However,
if you move the car across the street without insurance, you risk a fine.
My insurance company actually will allow me to cancel service with them if
I do not need it (I would be somewhat opposed to it otherwise). I can
cancel and add vehicles individually of each other without cancelling the
entire policy. I actually went through the added expense of maintaiing
insurance on two vehicles, instead of one at a time, mostly because I was
planning on using one for strictly business and one for strictly pleasure.

> Second to last point, at your rate of acquiring 4 cars per year, well,
> you'd need a place to store all those vehicles. Randomly selecting a
> lot of one acre for your ever-increasing fleet of cars, trucks, vans,
> jeeps, etc., at local prices, that would set you back around $40K.
> Dividing that cost between the differ
ence in price of your fleet and my
> truck, amortized over the life of my loan and vehicle and your fleet,
> that comes out to.. Well, I come out ahead in the end, because I said
> so.

That's exactly why I don't create such a fleet. However, in my particular
situation, I do have enough (wasted/unused) space to store upwards of
vehicles, so I could potentially maintain a fleet of 20 vehicles. I can't
put that into the figure due to it being somewhat unique to my situation,
but enough people around here fall into the same category that it could be
done. Actually, undeveloped land (no house, no perk test, etc..) sells
locally for $9,000 or less. However, the potential remains to maintain a
group of cars, keeping only the best of the lot, and selling off the
"lesser of the lot" to either a junkyard or private buyer. You run the
risk of becoming a used car saleman, which is another reason I don't
maintain a fleet at the cost of your truck. Remember $6000 down is 12
vehicles, the remaining $9000 could almost purchase that acre of
undeveloped ground (with a rate under 7%), and dividing the mileage
between 12 vehicles will increase their life span exponentially, as well
as thoroughly allowing you to eliminate downtime. If one vehicle is
making a weird clicking noise, you can switch to another while having the
trouble car in the shop.

Yes, I know there are more costs involved with owning land than the $9000
you bought it with, and that model will end up being more expensive
initially than one vehicle bought for $15,000. However, you can own land
forever and use the untapped space for other nefarious purposes (say, a
storage shed, or a quasi-house with no running water).

> Finally, I had a really great last point to make, but I have forgotten
> it by now. Thus, it must not have been that great. But fear not, I
> will come through in the clutch and make the most overwhelmingly superb
> point of the whole matter, clinching my victory in this debate -

You may want to make that point in short order, because you've so far
proven that you're laboring under a belief that your vehicle's internals
are invulnerable, the world ends when your vehicle stops, and the time
lost searching for a vehicle is worth more than the time watching a movie
or playing a computer game. Vehicle hunting can be just as fun, sort of
like a quest. Get a couple of friends along for the ride and turn it into
a group outing.

> Only a damn good looking new truck like mine is worthy of driving over
> the one and only world-famous speed bump.
> The End


Got an email today from one of my friends. It's a conversation I've had before with people, so I'll state here again. Let me start with the email.

You know,
One could just buy a *new* vehicle, with a decent warranty, that would
pretty much guarantee 7 years or 70K miles of worry-free driving, given
regular maintenance.  Just a thought. ;)
P.S. Toyotas rock.

Ok, sounds simple enough. Now, let's look at some real numbers here. The cheapest 2003 Toyota Tacoma is blue booked at $12600. Let's say I got one of these guys at exactly $12,600 AND let's say I manage to get a 5-year loan at 4%. My cost and loan will definitely be higher, but I'll play with these low numbers for fun. My monthly payment would be $232.05/month, every month, for 5 years. Almost every car I've ever bought has been $350, driven off the lot. With title transfer and everything, it's still under $450. I then take that vehicle to the garage and put $100 into it. I'm up to $550. Let's see.. that's three months of my 5-year loan right there. This vehicle will last me about 8 months before I have to do anything else to it. 8 months where I'm saving $232.05 over the cost of a new car. At the end of this 8 months, let's say I put $200 into it. That's still less than one of my monthly payments.

As a case in point, my Buick (the most recent one to hit the dust) is the same one I bought in July of 2000. I paid $300 for it, and have put $700 into it over the last two years. Just recently, I had to replace the muffler, which when couple with yearly inspection cost me $140.00 (the car died 3 days later). That brings me up to just under $1200 for 28 months or just under $43/month. This is not an exception, but my typical spending. Now, the bigger question: Is it worth (at bare minimum) $189/month of saved money to be potentially stranded for a portion of a day? With a service like AAA plus, you get free towing at a mere cost of $60/year. This is something you should have independent of vehicle costs (it covers you even if you're riding in someone elses vehicle). There is no such thing as worry-free driving. A new vehicle has less wear and tear on it, but can still fail you. The difference is that the warrantied vehicle will not require additional money out of your pocket (except of course, for your $232 monthly payment for the next 5 years) to get it fixed and running again.

I could however, spend at a rate similiar to one of these loans and acquire 4 running, used vehicles per year, slowly building myself a fleet of cars and trucks.


Ok, let's look at this. Real world scenario. My friend bought a 2001 (in 2001) Hyundai Tiburon bought for $15,500 and pays $367/month . Hyuandai has one of the best warranties on the market. About the same time that my Jeep broke down, his Tiburon lost first gear. His vehicle and my vehicle are in the shop getting repaired. My repair will cost me $500 tops, which is significantly less than two months payment of the Tiburon. In fact, this repair is more than I would normally put into a vehicle, but in this case, I do it because it's a cheap way of retaining a V6 4-wheel drive suv. The practical benefits of such a vehicle is worth the $500 I'll put into replacing the engine, as opposed to $500 for replacing the vehicle with a low-end car.


You know... it's one thing when one vehicle dies on you and needs the engine replaced... but when the second one does the same thing for a different, after having its engine replaced last year... one starts to develop an acute sense of paranoia towards their vehicles. Sigh...


A used car is a great thing. It's very cheap, it will get you to the places that you need to go. They will stick with you throught think and thin, and will never let you down. That is of course, until you absolutely, positively, need it to work. A used car is more aware of your financial situation than you are. If you can't afford to put gas in it, much less repair it, the car will run. If you can afford to replace the car, the car will run. If you think that you will be able to pay your bills and have some leftover, your car knows this and will stop working, with some ghastly horrible problem that requires more than any money you would have leftover.

Your car is your friend.