Table of Contents
Hello World .NET me: is that what you're doing, mainly linux programming? me: I thought you were doing C++ inx: most of the C++ .NET books are aimed at c++ idiots inx: well C++ on linux me: well I'm an idiot :P inx: haha * Squegie hands inx a copy of "The Complete Idiots Guide to .NET/C++" inx: well inx: i know my way around c++ decently now me: good :) me: now I've got a stupid question me: what is the .net? inx: i want something that says.. here are the differences between regular c++ and .net c++ me: or better yet, ".NET for dummies" me: inx, you're the new expert.. inx: they do have that Sq inx: :) inx: inx: VB.NET for dummies inx: right there on the main shelf me: i figured there would be inx: yes well inx: there are no good books for experienced programmers, that know zilch about MS programming, and who need to inx: integrate VB and C++, and do it in 2 1/2 months. me: "How to Convert your current linux infrastructure to VB & C++ .net in under 3 months for complete idiots" inx: yes! inx: where can i buy that????????