Mocking Consul for fun and profit.

I've been creating a fun microservice tool that provides a single API frontend and merges data from multiple backends. Since the app itself relies entirely on external data, I was wondering how in the world I would write unit tests for it. It's written in python using the amazing apistar framework. All of my external data so far is gathered using the requests library. The answer for this, turns out to requests-mock. Requests-mock will allow you create mock responses to requests.

The documentation is pretty straightforward, but I was having some trouble wrapping my head around how I would use it to test the code in my app. To start simple, I decided to mock consul, which is one of my datasources.

Get a value into consul

First off, let's go ahead and setup. Go to and download the consul binary for your OS.

  1. Start consul in dev mode/foreground: consul agent -dev
  2. Insert a key: consul kv put foo bar
  3. Let's request that key with curl. Be verbose, because there are some headers you'll want later.
$ curl -v
* Connected to localhost ( port 8500 (#0)
> GET /v1/kv/foo HTTP/1.1
> Host: localhost:8500
> User-Agent: curl/7.54.0
> Accept: */*
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< Content-Type: application/json
< X-Consul-Index: 7
< X-Consul-Knownleader: true
< X-Consul-Lastcontact: 0
< Date: Thu, 04 Jan 2018 11:04:20 GMT
< Content-Length: 158
        "LockIndex": 0,
        "Key": "foo",
        "Flags": 0,
        "Value": "YmFy",
        "CreateIndex": 7,
        "ModifyIndex": 7

You may be wondering why "Value" is YmFy. That's because consul uses base64 encoding. Running echo YmFy | base64 -d will give you the string bar.

Read consul with python requests

Awesome, now I can write a fancy python script to show off my foo. Create a file called

import base64
import json
import requests

URL = ""

def requestkey(key):
  url = "{}/{}".format(URL, key)
  r = requests.get(url)
  data = r.json()
  v = base64.b64decode(data[0]['Value'])
  # FYI v will return a byte instead of a string (b'foo'), we'll decode that to a string
  return (v.decode())

if __name__ == '__main__':
  v = requestkey('foo')
  print("Here is my foo: {}".format(v))

Run it:

$ python
FETCHED: foo RESULT: b'bar

Live unit test

Let's create a file. This will ensure the value of foo is equal to bar.

import unittest
from requestkey import requestkey

class TestStringMethods(unittest.TestCase):

    def test_foo(self):
        v = requestkey('foo')
        self.assertEqual(v, 'bar')

if __name__ == '__main__':

And run it:

$ python
Ran 1 test in 0.011s


This works great! But what if the consul server on the CICD server running my has a different value for foo? Or no consul server at all?

(py3) jh1:mocktests ytjohn$ consul kv delete foo
Success! Deleted key: foo
(py3) jh1:mocktests ytjohn$ python
$ consul kv put foo bard
Success! Data written to: foo
(py3) jh1:mocktests ytjohn$ python
FAIL: test_foo (__main__.TestStringMethods)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 8, in test_foo
    self.assertEqual(v, 'bar')
AssertionError: 'bard' != 'bar'
- bard
?    -
+ bar

Ran 1 test in 0.012s

FAILED (failures=1)

This is a problem. My code is still perfectly fine, but because the live data has changed, my test fails. That is what we hope to solve.

Let's mock consul.

As I alluded at the top of my post, I hope to solve this with requests-mock. There's some fancy things I see like registering URIs, but to start, I am just going use the Mocker example they have. It's a good thing I did a curl request earlier to see what the actual response will be.

import json
import requests_mock
import unittest

from requestkey import requestkey

class TestStringMethods(unittest.TestCase):

    def setUp(self):
       self.baseurl = ''

    def test_foo(self):
        key = 'foo'
        url = '{}/{}'.format(self.baseurl, key)
        response = [{
                    "LockIndex": 0,
                    "Key": "foo",
                    "Flags": 0,
                    "Value": "YmFy",
                    "CreateIndex": 7,
                    "ModifyIndex": 7}]

        with requests_mock.Mocker() as m:
          m.get(url, text=json.dumps(response))
          v = requestkey('foo')
          self.assertEqual(v, 'bar')

if __name__ == '__main__':

Let's try our test:

(py3) jh1:mocktests ytjohn$ consul kv get foo
(py3) jh1:mocktests ytjohn$ python
Ran 1 test in 0.010s


This is great. I can develop locally, store working examples in my test code, and test against that.

Requests is fun, but what about python-consul?

The truth is, I don't talk to consul using requests and base 64 decoding. For some reason, I thought it would
be easier for you to follow along if I did straight requests. But in reality, most people are going to use python-consul. In fact, here is my file doing just that.

import consul

def getkey(key):
  c = consul.Consul() # consul defaults to
  index, data = c.kv.get(key, index=None)
  return data['Value']

if __name__ == '__main__':
  v = getkey('foo')
  print("Here is my foo: {}".format(v))

Now I'm going to rewrite my to test both of these. I moved my response into the setUp
class, renamed test_foo to test_request and added a test_get to test my getkey function.

import json
import requests_mock
import unittest

from requestkey import requestkey
from getkey import getkey

class TestStringMethods(unittest.TestCase):

    def setUp(self):
       self.baseurl = ''
       self.response_foo = [{
                    "LockIndex": 0,
                    "Key": "foo",
                    "Flags": 0,
                    "Value": "YmFy",
                    "CreateIndex": 7,
                    "ModifyIndex": 7}]

    def test_request(self):
        key = 'foo'
        url = '{}/{}'.format(self.baseurl, key)

        with requests_mock.Mocker() as m:
          m.get(url, text=json.dumps(self.response_foo))
          v = requestkey('foo')
          self.assertEqual(v, 'bar')

    def test_get(self):
        key = 'foo'
        url = '{}/{}'.format(self.baseurl, key)

        with requests_mock.Mocker() as m:
          m.get(url, text=json.dumps(self.response_foo))
          v = getkey('foo')
          self.assertEqual(v, 'bar')

if __name__ == '__main__':

Let's see how this does:

$ python
ERROR: test_get (__main__.TestStringMethods)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 35, in test_get
    v = getkey('foo')
  File "/Users/ytjohn/vsprojects/unsafe/mocktests/", line 7, in getkey
    index, data = c.kv.get(key, index=None)
  File "/Users/ytjohn/.venvs/py3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/consul/", line 538, in get
  File "/Users/ytjohn/.venvs/py3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/consul/", line 22, in get
    self.session.get(uri, verify=self.verify, cert=self.cert)))
  File "/Users/ytjohn/.venvs/py3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/consul/", line 227, in cb
    return response.headers['X-Consul-Index'], data
  File "/Users/ytjohn/.venvs/py3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/requests/", line 54, in __getitem__
    return self._store[key.lower()][1]
KeyError: 'x-consul-index'

Ran 2 tests in 0.016s

FAILED (errors=1)

Oh what disaster! My fancy getkey code is failing tests!. What is x-consul-index anyways? Well, it looks
to be response.headers['X-Consul-Index'], which is a header we saw in the curl request. Fortunately,
mock allows you to provide headers as well.

  1. Add headers to setUp: self.headers = {'X-Consul-Index': "7"} (yes, value must be a string)
  2. Add the header response to your mockup: m.get(url, text=json.dumps(self.response_foo), headers=self.headers_foo)
$ python
Ran 2 tests in 0.012s


Outstanding. And for completion, here is the final

import json
import requests_mock
import unittest

from requestkey import requestkey
from getkey import getkey

class TestStringMethods(unittest.TestCase):

    def setUp(self):
       self.baseurl = ''
       self.headers_foo = {'X-Consul-Index': "7"}
       self.response_foo = [{
                    "LockIndex": 0,
                    "Key": "foo",
                    "Flags": 0,
                    "Value": "YmFy",
                    "CreateIndex": 7,
                    "ModifyIndex": 7}]

    def test_request(self):
        key = 'foo'
        url = '{}/{}'.format(self.baseurl, key)

        with requests_mock.Mocker() as m:
          m.get(url, text=json.dumps(self.response_foo))
          v = requestkey('foo')
          self.assertEqual(v, 'bar')

    def test_get(self):
        key = 'foo'
        url = '{}/{}'.format(self.baseurl, key)

        with requests_mock.Mocker() as m:
          m.get(url, text=json.dumps(self.response_foo), headers=self.headers_foo)
          v = getkey('foo')
          self.assertEqual(v, 'bar')

if __name__ == '__main__':

What is the point?

There isn't much pointing to having a block of code produce a static value and then check to see if it is that value. However, when we start taking actions based on values (live, maintenance, true, false, -1), we can definitely check to see if our code behaves an expected way based on a collection of sample data we store. I can also check for how I handle incomplete data. A big part of my microservice correlates devices with network interfaces, ip addresses, and vlans. Not every interface has an ip, not every ip has a vlan. Not every network has a default gateway. I have to determine which ip is "primary". So as I collect examples of devices with different configurations, I should be able to register urls and responses for each device. If my code is expecting a vlan to be a number, but instead I receive a "None" - will I handle that or will I throw an exception error?

Looking forward, I can envision having sample json data stored with functions to provide the desired response and headers needed.

postgresql hstore is easy to compare

hstore is an option key=>value column type that's been around in postgresql for a long time. I was looking at it for a project where I want to compare "new data" to old, so I can approve it. There is a hstore-hstore option that compares two hstore collections and shows the differences.

In reality, an hstore column looks like text. It's just in a format that postgresql understands.

Here, we have an existing record with some network information.

hs1=# select id, data::hstore from d1 where id = 3;
 id |                          data                          
  3 | "ip"=>"", "fqdn"=>""
(1 row)

Let's say I submitted a form with slightly changed network information. I can do a select statement to get the differences.

hs1=# select id, hstore('"ip"=>"", "fqdn"=>""')-data from d1 where id =3;
 id |             ?column?              
  3 | "fqdn"=>""
(1 row)

This works just as well if we're adding a new key.

hs1=# select id, hstore('"ip"=>"", "fqdn"=>"", "netmask"=>""')-data from d1 where id =3;
 id |                           ?column?                            
  3 | "fqdn"=>"", "netmask"=>""
(1 row)

This information could be displayed on a confirmation page. Ideally, a proposed dataset would be placed somewhere, and a page could be rendered on the fly showing any changes an approval would create within the database.

Then we can update with the newly submitted form.

hs1=# update d1 set data = data || hstore('"ip"=>"", "fqdn"=>"", "netmask"=>""') where id = 3;

hs1=# select id, data::hstore from d1 where id = 3; id |                                         data                                         
  3 | "ip"=>"", "fqdn"=>"", "netmask"=>""
(1 row)

Note that if I wanted to delete a key instead of just setting it to NULL, that would be a separate operation.

update d1 SET data = delete(data, 'ip') where id = 3;

Codebox in Docker

This is a quick note log. I was able to setup a self-hosted web IDE for programming. Today I tested out,
but I also want to check out the open source Cloud9 IDE.

  • an open-source Web IDE for programming (in your browser)
  • Docker an open source container
  • Docker-Codebox. All I really want is this guy's Dockerfile.

I already have Docker installed, that's the easy bit.

Build the box:

git clone
cd docker-codebox
docker build -t ytjohncodebox .
# much building occurs

Run codebox in docker

This will run the environment on port 8000 and you'll be editing files that are stored in a directory
called workspace1. ~/workspace1 on the host gets mounted into /workspace1 in the container.

cd ~
mkdir workspace1
docker run -p 8000:8000 -v ./workspace1:/workspace1 -t ytjohncodebox -p 8000 run /workspace1
# many things happen
# I end up seeing this:
# Codebox is running at http://localhost:8000

Now, I can access my server on port 8000 (ie, This instance is unprotected, it just asks
for an email to get started. But the part I skipped over is that I am actually using nginx to proxy and password
protect this instance.

I can hit Ctrl+C on the terminal to cancel my instance and all my edited files are safely stored in ~/workspace1.

Interesting bits:
I create a new file in the web browser and save it, I see this bit of json in the console output:

[events] watch.change.create : { change: 'create',
  path: '/irule.txt',
   { current: 
      { dev: 64513,
        mode: 33188,
        nlink: 1,
        uid: 0,
        gid: 0,
        rdev: 0,
        blksize: 4096,
        ino: 262847,
        size: 27,
        blocks: 8,
        atime: Wed Feb 26 2014 05:18:44 GMT+0000 (UTC),
        mtime: Wed Feb 26 2014 05:18:42 GMT+0000 (UTC),
        ctime: Wed Feb 26 2014 05:18:42 GMT+0000 (UTC) },
     old: null } }

One thing I really need is the ability to open a web terminal. When I do though, the terminal window appears for a
few seconds, and then vanishes. In the console, I see this:

[log][] new socket connected
[log][] open shell  { shellId: 'term2020-44',
  opts: { rows: 80, columns: 24, id: 'term2020-44' } }
[log][events] shell.spawn : { shellId: 'term2020-44' }
[log][events] shell.attach : { shellId: 'term2020-44' }
[log][events] : { shellId: 'term2020-44' }
[log][events] shell.exit : { shellId: 'term2020-44' }
[log][] socket disconnected
[log][] socket disconnected
[log][hooks] use hook settings

I got this same issue going through my nginx proxy and connecting directly on port 8000. A bit of text flashes
quickly on the "terminal" in the web browser, but closes too quickly for me to catch it. Perhaps it's attempting to
run something that is not installed in the Docker instance. If I can fix that, then I just need to come up with a cool
way to launch workspaces and tie them into my nginx setup (or switch over to hipache
as my front-end webserver).

Anyways, just wanted to record these steps here and show how easy it could be to get your own self hosted IDE.

Starting with Ruby and AWS

This weekend I decided to takle both learning Ruby and working with AWS
via the Ruby API. Having only played with both of these in the past,
this presents two learning challenges at once. However, from past
projects, this is how I learn best. I am somewhat familiar with AWS
terms and once made a script in Python to fire up an instance. This was
before Amazon came out with their management console, so I imagine
things have come a long way since then (hopefully easier). I also played
with Ruby for a while, but didn't have a decent project for it. Having a
project with goals will hopefully keep me on track and give me a way to
measure my progress.

My goals for this project are as follows:

  1. Utilize a web based interface. Using rails seems to be the popular
    way to do this, and I'd like to base my template interface off of
    boilerstrap5, a combination of twitter-bootstrap and
    html5boilerplate. This will probably have the most trial and error
    to get it right.
  2. Connect to the AWS api and pull some basic information such as my
    account name.
  3. Fetch details about an AMI image. Maybe I'll be able to parse a list
    of public images, or maybe I can just punch in an image ID and pull
    up the details.
  4. Start an instance from an AMI image. This might require some steps
    like setting up a an S3 bucket -- we'll see.
  5. List my running instances.
  6. Control a running instance - ie, power cycle it.
  7. Destroy an instance.
  8. BONUS: Do something similar with S3 buckets - create, list, destroy.

First off, I need to setup a ruby development environment. Since I have
used PyCharm in the past, I will try JetBrain's RubyMine for my
editor environment. After installing this, the first thing I learned is
that rails is not installed. I could install using apt-get, but
Jetbrains recommends using RVM. It looks like a nice way to manage
different versions of Ruby, rails, and gems. I know when I have
installed Ruby applications requiring gems, gem versions was always a
source of concern. It is very easy to get mismatched gem versions in the

RVM install locally to ~/.rvm on linux, which is nice - you don't mess
up any system wide ruby installations and keep everything local to your
development environment. After installation, I had to figure out a
couple bits with rvm.

  • rvm install 1.9.2 # installs ruby 1.9.2
  • rvm list # lists versions of ruby installed
  • rvm use 1.8.7 # use ruby 1.8.7

First, your terminal has to be setup as a login shell. This tripped me
up for a while until I changed the settings in my terminal emulator.
terminator has this as checkmark option.

ytjohn@freshdesk:~$ rvm list

rvm rubies

   ruby-1.8.7-p371 [ x86_64 ]
   ruby-1.9.2-p320 [ x86_64 ]

# => - current
# =* - current && default
#  * - default

ytjohn@freshdesk:~$ rvm use 1.8.7

RVM is not a function, selecting rubies with 'rvm use ...' will not work.

You need to change your terminal emulator preferences to allow login shell.
Sometimes it is required to use `/bin/bash --login` as the command.
Please visit for a example.

After switching to login

ytjohn@freshdesk:~$ rvm use 1.8.7
Using /home/ytjohn/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.8.7-p371

Finally, once you get ruby and rails working, you can create your rails
project. I'm starting with a rails project because it's "all the rage"
and gives you a decent running start. Later, I'll work on switching the
supplied templates with boilerplate + bootstrap based ones.

This gets me started. Next up, I'll actually create the project from
within RubyMine and just work on basic web functionality.


echeck.class, Copyright 2004 John Hogenmiller [email protected]
This is an api to interface with ChecksByNet (, provided
by CrossCheck, Inc. This program is in no way (currently) endorsed by Crosscheck, Inc., nor is the author in any way affiliated with CrossCheck, Inc.
This program is released under the GNU Lesser General Public License.
Go to the function post_echeck and change the $payto and $paytoid variables
to match what you have with ChecksByNet. Alternatively, you could pass these
in from the parent script. If ChecksByNet ever changes their
submission url, you'll have to change the $url variable.
Note that in a production environment, you wouldn't want to pass $REQUEST in
to the post_echeck function as the end user would be able to change the amount,
payto, and paytoid at will. Ideally, you pull the cbn
variables out of
$REQUEST, do any regex checks you want to do on your side, and directly
set the amount from the server side.
post_echeck works by returning an array with the keys "approved" and "err".
$array['approved'] // If set, echeck was approved.
$array['err'] // Human readable text of all errors.
$array['RSPxxxx'] // Server generated error as key, human readable error as value.
Useful for parent scripts that want to do more with the error.
$ec = new echeck;
$result = $ec->post_echeck($_REQUEST);
if ($result[approved])
{ print "Echeck approved
n"; }
{ print "Declined:
print $result[err];
Put all the variables into an array and pass that array to post_echeck.
Prefix all variables in the array with cbn

$checkno = 123;
$check['cbn_checknbr'] = $checkno;
$result = $ec->post_echeck($check);
Checksbynet requires the following variables FROM THE CUSTOMER:
Check Number Value: checknbr Needs to be greater than 99 / 6 Max
Customer's First Name: writerfirst 15 Max (only for personal checks)
Customer's Last Name: writerlast 29 Max
Customer's Business Name: writername 50 Max (only for business checks)
Customer's Address: writeraddr Street address required / 50 Max
City: writercity 30 Max
State: writerst 2 characters required
Zip: writerzip 5 digits required
Bank Name: bankname 50 Max
Bank City: bankcity 30 Max
Bank State: bankst 2 characters required
Bank Zip: bankzip 5 digits required or can be blank
MICR: micr 80 Max
Customer's Driver's License: idnbr Do not include dashes or spaces / 40 Max
Driver's License State: idst 2 characters required
Customer's Phone Number: phone 10 digits required / 14 max
Customer's Email: email "@" and "." required / 50 Max
They also require these variables FROM THE MERCHANT:
Check Dollar Amount Value: checkamt Needs to be greater than $1.00/ 10 Max characters
These variables are required by the MERCHANT, but can be set in the post_echeck
function, and do not need to be passed in from the parent program.:
Pay to: payto Who the check is being made out to. 50 Max
Pay to id: paytoid Merchant id number
class echeck
function post_echeck($check)
$url = '';
if ($check[cbn_payto])
{ $payto = urlencode($check[cbn_payto]); }
else { $payto = urlencode("Valued CrossCheck Merchant"); }
if ($check[cbn_paytoid])
{ $paytoid = urlencode($check[cbn_paytoid]); }
else { $paytoid = "12345"; }
// For initial testing, you may want to NULL out the paytoid
$paytoid = 0;
$params =
. "&checknbr=". urlencode($check['cbn_checknbr'])
. "&checkamt=". urlencode($check['cbn_checkamt'])
. "&writeraddr=". urlencode($check['cbn_writeraddr'])
. "&writercity=". urlencode($check['cbn_writercity'])
. "&writerst=". urlencode($check['cbn_writerst'])
. "&writerzip=". urlencode($check['cbn_writerzip'])
. "&bankname=". urlencode($check['cbn_bankname'])
. "&bankcity=". urlencode($check['cbn_bankcity'])
. "&bankst=". urlencode($check['cbn_bankst'])
. "&micr=". urlencode($check['cbn_micr'])
. "&idnbr=". urlencode($check['cbn_idnbr'])
. "&idst=". urlencode($check['cbn_idst'])
. "&phone=". urlencode($check['cbn_phone'])
. "&email=". urlencode($check['cbn_email']);
if ($check['cbn_bankzip']) { $params .= "&bankzip=". $check['cbn_bankzip']; }
if ($check['cbn_writername']) { $params .= "&writername=". $check['cbn_writername']; }
else { $params .= "&writerfirst=". $check['cbn_writerfirst'] . "&writerlast=". $check['cbn_writerlast']; }
if ($paytoid) { $params .= "&paytoid=". $paytoid; }
$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST,1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS,$params);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL,$url);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 2);
// curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, $defined_vars['HTTP_USER_AGENT']);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER,1);
curl_close ($ch);
$goodresults = $this->quotesplit($return);
foreach ($goodresults as $key => $value)
$result[$value] = "ECHECK: Unknown error"; // All known return codes will replace this.
if ($value == 'RSP0051') { $result[err] .= "ECHECK: Configuration error: invalid payto/paytoid";
$result[$value] .= "ECHECK: Configuration error: invalid payto/paytoid"; }
if ($value == 'RSP1101') { $result[err] .= "ECHECK: Bad/blank check number
$result[$value] = "ECHECK: Bad/blank check number
n"; }
if ($value == 'RSP1102') { $result[err] .= "ECHECK: Bad/blank check dollar amount
$result[$value] = "ECHECK: Bad/blank check dollar amount
n"; }
if ($value == 'RSP1201') { $result[err] .= "ECHECK: Bad/blank entry for customer name
$result[$value] = "ECHECK: Bad/blank entry for customer name
n"; }
if ($value == 'RSP1202') { $result[err] .= "ECHECK: Bad/blank address for customer $check[cbn_writeraddr]
$result[$value] = "ECHECK: Bad/blank address for customer $check[cbn_writeraddr]
n"; }
if ($value == 'RSP1203') { $result[err] .= "ECHECK: Bad/blank city for customer
$result[$value] = "ECHECK: Bad/blank city for customer
n"; }
if ($value == 'RSP1204') { $result[err] .= "ECHECK: Bad/blank state for customer
$result[$value] = "ECHECK: Bad/blank state for customer
n"; }
if ($value == 'RSP1205') { $result[err] .= "ECHECK: Bad/blank zip code for customer
$result[$value] = "ECHECK: Bad/blank zip code for customer
n"; }
if ($value == 'RSP1301') { $result[err] .= "ECHECK: Bad/blank bank name
$result[$value] = "ECHECK: Bad/blank bank name
n"; }
if ($value == 'RSP1302') { $result[err] .= "ECHECK: Bad/blank city for bank
$result[$value] = "ECHECK: Bad/blank city for bank
n"; }
if ($value == 'RSP1303') { $result[err] .= "ECHECK: Bad/blank state for bank
$result[$value] = "ECHECK: Bad/blank state for bank
n"; }
if ($value == 'RSP1304') { $result[err] .= "ECHECK: Bad/blank zip code for bank
$result[$value] = "ECHECK: Bad/blank zip code for bank
n"; }
if ($value == 'RSP1311') { $result[err] .= "ECHECK: Bad/blank account number
$result[$value] = "ECHECK: Bad/blank account number
n"; }
if ($value == 'RSP1312') { $result[err] .= "ECHECK: Bad/blank routing number
$result[$value] = "ECHECK: Bad/blank routing number
n"; }
if ($value == 'RSP1313') { $result[err] .= "ECHECK: Bad/blank micr number
$result[$value] = "ECHECK: Bad/blank micr number
n"; }
if ($value == 'RSP1401') { $result[err] .= "ECHECK: Bad/blank driver's license number
$result[$value] = "ECHECK: Bad/blank driver's license number
n"; }
if ($value == 'RSP1402') { $result[err] .= "ECHECK: Bad/blank state for driver's license
$result[$value] = "ECHECK: Bad/blank state for driver's license
n"; }
if ($value == 'RSP1501') { $result[err] .= "ECHECK: Bad/blank phone number for customer
$result[$value] = "ECHECK: Bad/blank phone number for customer
n"; }
if ($value == 'RSP1502') { $result[err] .= "ECHECK: Bad/blank email address for customer
$result[$value] = "ECHECK: Bad/blank email address for customer
n"; }
if ($value == 'RSP0000') { $result[approved] = 1; $result[err] = 0; }
if ($value == 'RSP0001') { $result[approved] = 0; $result[err] .= "ECHECK: Declined
$result[$value] = "ECHECK: ECHECK: Declined
n"; }
if ($value == 'RSP0020') { $result[err] .= "ECHECK: Check duplication error. We have approved this same check number from the same account in recent history.
$result[$value] = "ECHECK: Check duplication error. We have approved this same check number from the same account in recent history.
n"; }
if ($value == 'RSP9999') { $result[err] .= "ECHECK: Unable to process checks at this time
$result[$value] = "ECHECK: Unable to process checks at this time
n"; }
// Enable the below line for testing
if ($value == 'RSP0010') { $result[approved] = 1; $result[err] = 0;
$result[$value] = "ECHECK: Test completed.";}
if (!$result[err] && !$result[approved]) { $result[err] .= "ECHECK: Undefined error, not approved"; }
} #end function post_echeck
function quotesplit($s)
$r = Array();
$p = 0;
$l = strlen($s);
while ($p < $l) {
while (($p < $l) && (strpos(" rtn",$s[$p]) !== false)) $p++;
if ($s[$p] == '"') {
$q = $p;
while (($p < $l) && ($s[$p] != '"')) {
if ($s[$p] == '\') { $p+=2; continue; }
$r[] = stripslashes(substr($s, $q, $p-$q));
while (($p < $l) && (strpos(" rtn",$s[$p]) !== false)) $p++;
} else if ($s[$p] == "'") {
$q = $p;
while (($p < $l) && ($s[$p] != "'")) {
if ($s[$p] == '\') { $p+=2; continue; }
$r[] = stripslashes(substr($s, $q, $p-$q));
while (($p < $l) && (strpos(" rtn",$s[$p]) !== false)) $p++;
} else {
$q = $p;
while (($p < $l) && (strpos(",;",$s[$p]) === false)) {
$r[] = stripslashes(trim(substr($s, $q, $p-$q)));
while (($p < $l) && (strpos(" rtn",$s[$p]) !== false)) $p++;
return $r;
} # end function quotesplit
} # end class echeck