For those of you who don't already know, we had our Marine Core ball on the 9th up at the Ramada. This year, I took harlei, who is pictured elsewhere on this site under a different name. The day was doomed from the start.

It all started the Friday beforehand. I drove up to my parents' place where I keep my uniforms. I had (one month prior) placed my alpha's into a uniform bag and driven it up to the center for tailoring, and presumably drove it back to my parents' place for safekeeping. To my dismay, the bag was not there. The bag was also not in my apartment, nor in my building, nor in any of the vehicles I may have been driving that day. This concerned me greatly because the uniform I was supposed to wear the following Saturday was in that bag.

Luckily, I still had enough spare uniform peices to assemble one working uniform, with the exception of the alpha belt. I did not realize I didn't have the alpha belt (which is in my uniform bag) till Saturday the next day. I got on the metaphorical horn and got someone to meet me up at the center. I took off in the jeep, met my contact, and checked my locker. No uniform bag. Luck was on my side however, as my contact allowed me to borrow his Alpha belt, which had no belt buckle. I remembered having a buckle at the apartment, so I took the belt, thanked the man, and left.

Back in the hometown, I pulled into the barber shop parking lot to get my haircut, and observed that he was closed on this day of days. Not to be deterred, I jumped back into the jeep and drove into the next town over where a holiday hair was destined to be open, and indeed they were and they also charged me $14 for a haircut, which is over twice what I normally pay. Back in the jeep, back to home.

At home, I discover that I don't have a belt buckle, and it's getting close to the time I have to leave. I start making calls to fellow marines, and get nothing but answering machines. Sigh... Once again, luck is on my side as I remember another stash of gear I had, and I found a belt buckle. Throwing my gear into the jeep, I take off to pick up my date.

As expected, my date was not ready, despite my being 20 minutes late. However, with great effort, we made it on the road 10 minutes later, stopped at a gas station, and took to the turnpike. Things were looking up.

The next disaster came after a quick drive down this nice toll-road. My jeep had decided to spring an additional leak, and my coolant had all leaked out, which meant I was now running hot. This is of course, unknown to me until the engine starts smoking. I let it cool down for 10 minutes, throw some more coolant in, and take off. I get a bit further down the road, and it overheats again, this time really bad. I stop, let it cool down for 20 minutes, when someone from the turnpike commission pulls in behind us. I try the jeep, it decides not to start. Bad sign.

After talking to the turnpike guy, my plan is to get the jeep towed to the ramada inn, which is 19 miles from me. I can do something about the jeep from there. Unfortunately, it works out that the jeep gets towed back to bedford, to some garage. Yes, I did know they were going to do that, and yes, I shouldn't have let them, but I was primarily concerned with getting to the ball on time. Sometimes, I fail to think ahead, and I have to pay dearly for it.

Anyways, the towtruck takes the vehicle, we ride with the turnpike guy to the hotel, and get there with about 10 minutes to spare, and I just make it to formation on time.

Now that I have arrived, all of the bad stuff is now behind me, and I am free to partake in the open bar that was available, which I did, solidly, for the next 6 hours. Needless, to say, the ball was quite fun this year.


Another all nighter. Why do I put myself through such things? I feel great the entire night, up until it turns to my time to go into work. I get to work feeling great, and then I stare at my screen, and the life begins to sap out of me. Sigh...


I did however, go running again last night. It was an easy run, somwhere around 2.25 miles through town. I didn't have a watch to time myself with, so I don't know how fast I ran it in, but it probably isn't an impressive time anyway. After running, I feel more on top of my game, which should be motivation enough for me to run in and of itself.


I've been tired lately. I try to compare my sleeping schedule now with schedules held in the past. Basically, I work from 7am till 8pm, which is nothing new. This means I need to be up from 6:30 till around 9pm. However, I stay up till around midnight or 1am some nights of the week and go to bed by 11pm other nights. This gives me anywhere from 5.5 to 7.5 hours. This is comparable to previously when I would only get 4-6 hours of sleep per night. However, I had a nice lull lasting several months where I would get just a bit over 8 hours of sleep per night. I'm wondering if my mind had gotten used to the idea of 8 hours of sleep and is now fighting a smaller sleeping schedule (which seems doubtful considering I had lulls like this before), or if I am truly doing that much more mental work that I will actually require the additional sleep. By maintaining a schedule that I had sucessfully held in the past, am I now depriving myself of now-essential sleep? Am I on the way to destruction? Do I have a chance to survive? Should I make my time?


I am currently going through a business relationship breakup. I won't go into too many details, but basically it involves a friend of mine who I had planned to add as a business partner/owner. Things were going great, and I was planning on drawing up an ownership agreement for us (which needed to be done before December rolled around for tax purposes), when he suddenly declares that I am not doing my share of the work (we were both working in my store, acting as owners/partners before anything official was done), and had spoken with an attorney about taking the business from me. This shocked me. I had felt I could trust this person and had shook off skepticism from close friends of mine who didn't like this person. I had stood up for his mannerisms and his attitude, and felt he would be an ideal partner. In the end, I have only myself to blame for putting trust where it doesn't belong. usually consider myself good at understanding people, but here I failed at this.

I was am still am upset, however, I do see how this coming to a head now is a good thing. In less than two months, I would have had a contract in place, and him listed as an owner. Knowing what he seemed to be thinking and planning for a while now, I am glad it happened now instead of afterwards. Granted a contract would have protected the business, but him being a non-owner protects it even further.
Unfortunately, my reputation is going to take some abuse, as well as the repuatation of the business. However, it will remain intact, if somewhat poorer. I am now on the long hard road of rebuilding and fending off legal suits from this person who I had formerly trusted. Such is the way of the business world. :/


*~*Julie*~* says:
*~*Julie*~* says:
Brian says:
19 m pa
Brian says:
who r u?
*~*Julie*~* says:
*~*Julie*~* says:
Brian says:
Brian says:
so whats up?
*~*Julie*~* says:
*~*Julie*~* says:
Brian says:
*~*Julie*~* says:
yea same here
*~*Julie*~* says:
what did you do all day

Such is the excitement on meeting random people online.


According an article, Gen-X is setup worse than any other generation for a financial crash. My favorite quote: "I had a college president say to me, 'I don't know how much longer I can pull this off because people will start to ask, Is it worth this much money to be that much smarter?' "

Credits to slashdot.